Friday 9 September 2011

Flick, Flick, Flick, Flick, FLICKR!!!

arctic by hello-gorgeous
arctic, a photo by hello-gorgeous on Flickr.
I have just opened an account at me a nice little side bar badge too!

Since taking photos of my jewellery with a simple point and shoot Samsung digital camera I have become more and more addicted to taking photos {the kids HATE it when they see camera in hand...I have NEVER seen them move so quick!}

I have ALREADY written my letter to Santa asking for a little something special to be left under the Christmas tree...or anywhere else in the house really!....only another 15 weeks till I find out HOW good I've been!

Have you written yours yet??? ;op~


hello gorgeous xxx


  1. Goodness no but I am sure mine will be a woolly number! Love that clothes line, thankfully ours don't get that cold down here in the tropics :-)

  2. I sure hope you get a nice goodie. I can't ask Santa for anything...I am SO spoiled already, he will be mad at me. :)


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