Tuesday 30 November 2010

Twenty Question Tuesday

In your eyes, what’s Paradise?
Sitting at my craft desk working, my boyfriend David at the sofa on his laptop and we are spending a pleasant afternoon watching some movie (probably animation or Harry Potter LOL!) before we have something very yummy for dinner. It doesn't take much to keep me happy!

Prized Possession
Well I would say David but I don't own him, he is his own man, so I would go with either my sewing machine or my DSLR!

Favourite medium to work with and why?
Oh golly! Just so many to mention. I think I would have to say, at the moment, acrylic paints and mediums, fabric and corrugated card.

Flowers or chocolate?
Chocolate, Chocolate. Did I mention that it would be chocolate?

Who influenced you the most?
All the wonderful crafters out there, so talented and amazing, I'm in awe everyday at the amazing art being produced.

Who would you most like to go to Dinner with?
Anyone watching their weight so I can eat all their dinner!

Top Cat or Banana Splits?
Top Cat, now you have me singing the song in my head!

Today I wore:
A very warm jumper – it is freezing!

Do you have a favourite online {bead, craft or textile} place to shop and would recommend
Well I would have to say Quixotic Paperie  not just because I'm on the DT but also because I love what Elaine stocks. Same goes for the other shops I'm lucky enough to DT for, such as Make The Day Special, La-La Land Crafts  and The Altered Element

What inspired you to do what you do?
First it started as a release from a very stressful job but then I began to realise that it was actually an important part of who I was! I couldn't stop now even if I tried!

McDreamy or McSteamy?
I had to look this one up on Google as I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but now I've seen them I think I might have to watch the show! LOL!

If you could do anything else, what would it be?
I've done lots of other things and this is the one that has given me the most joy! It took me a while to realise that this was what I wanted to do....so my answer would be doing more of this!

Favourite item of clothing
My hat! I love hats!

Best childhood memory
Nope, the memories of my childhood are quite blank. Actually if I think about it I'm not sure I've grown up yet!

Most cringe-worthy moment
Ooo dear, had plenty of these and do my best to forget them! I'm very, very good at forgetting people's names, even if I see them every day that often leads to some cringe-worthy moments – eek!

Favourite holiday destination
I've always, always, always wanted to visit Japan – it is so top of my to do list.

Which celebrity would you have as your best friend and why
I think I am one of the only people in the world who doesn't know a celebrity from a non-celebrity. Honestly I'm useless, David has to tell me who people are.

Best “crafty” tip you can offer
I think the best tip I can offer, and the one I try to work on every day, is to turn off that inner critic that tells you that your stuff is rubbish and keep working and learning. Enjoying the journey is all part of the process, even the best artist in the world was a novice at some point!

What’s your Star sign?

What would you most like to see happen next?
So many things I would like to see happen next! In the big scheme of things it would have to be world peace and people getting on with their neighbours! But if you are asking on the smaller scale, I would love to run some crafty workshops and demos, do more magazine articles and commissions and sell more items through my Etsy  and Folksy shops, LOL!

Thank you Kim!!  Fabulous answers to this week's questions, I think we would ALL like a bit of world peace! {and not just for Christmas!!} ;o)

Pop on over to Kim's blog Crafty Makes to see some fantastic creations....and don't forget to stop by her shops for some scrumptious purchases! ;o)


hello gorgeous xxx

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